====== Intel HD Graphics Full RGB Rendering ====== In recent Intel HD Graphics drivers, the range of colour values used for Red, Green and Blue is limited to 16->235 by default and not the full range of 0->255. On a digital connection (such as [[wp>Hdmi|HDMI]]) to a monitor or television this can result in grey looking blacks and washed out colours. This article describes how to extended the driver settings to the full range on a per-user basis, so that full colour rendering is restored. ===== Supported Releases ===== Should work in all Ubuntu releases. Tested on 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) 32 and 64-bit Desktops. ===== Required Packages ===== None, as the xserver-xorg package will already be installed. ===== Configuration ===== Create the file ''.xprofile'' in the appropriate user's home folder and add the following to it (replacing ''x'' with the port number your display is connected to): xrandr --output HDMIx --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full" Once saved, log out of the X Session and back in to see full, deep blacks and an extended colour range. ===== See Also ===== * [[sigma:how_to]] * [[sigma:contact]]